What does the SolarWinds hack mean for national security?

12/28/20 Cybersecurity

A Conversation with Professors David Hoffman and Bob Sullivan

What does the SolarWinds hack mean for national security?

Date: January 6th

Time: 6 – 7:30 ET

Registration required: https://duke.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJApd-mrqTIsGdcGo6JfsZGwemTrz8oyll0C

The Sanford School of Public Policy is honored to host leading cybersecurity reporter Sean Lyngaas for a discussion of the national security implications of the SolarWinds hack. Sean is a 2007 graduate of Duke University where he majored in Public Policy at the Sanford School. He then completed his Masters in International Relations from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. Sean has done extensive reporting on cybersecurity breaches and public policy and has published several detailed reports on the SolarWinds incident. Some experts are saying that the SolarWinds attack is the most impactful cybersecurity event in history due to its complexity and the number of government and private sector victims. Please join Professor David Hoffman and Visiting Scholar Bob Sullivan for a discussion of what we know about the attack and the implications for national security and public policy.