Industry & Employer Relations

Impact Education. Recruit Top Talent.

You’re invited to partner with Duke—Challenge today’s engineering students with your real-world projects. Find qualified, inspired leaders to join your organization.

Sunrise Aerial of Duke Chapel, June 2024

How to Partner with Duke Engineering

At Duke Engineering, we develop future technology leaders who can combine their domain expertise with an interdisciplinary set of skills. By partnering with Duke, your organization can access a world-class educational resource for your employees and executives.

We welcome organizations of all industries, types and sizes to engage with our talented students for both recruiting and to support our educational mission. Plus, through that same partnership, your organization can make a direct and meaningful impact on the lives of Duke students. Your organization’s challenges become immersive, hands-on learning opportunities of the kind that differentiate a Duke Engineering education.

Mike Salvino

It is exciting to see Duke Engineering take the lead in bringing such a timely and nimble model of education that fits the speed of innovation in industry.

Mike Salvino President & CEO, DXC Technology

Ways to Partner

  • Duke Engineering students learn hands-on about emerging technologies. We’ve designed educational programs with flexibility—including part-time and online options.

    Our working professional learners build in-demand skills they can use in the workplace immediately.

    Browse our educational offerings

    Partnership Examples

  • Duke Engineering has a long history of successful research partnerships with industry.

    Our partners have generously supported research and education that aligns with organizational strategy and goals.

    And, they have made formal agreements to sponsor research that has created mutually beneficial collaborations.

    Opportunities include:

    Create a Partnership

    Please contact us to inquire about research partnership opportunities.

  • Our undergraduate and master’s degree programs provide hands-on experience through real-world projects sponsored by our industry partners.

    Students gain career experience while industry partners benefit from solutions crafted by our well-trained students.

    Opportunities include:

    • Capstone Project Sponsorships — Teams of students nearing educational program completion work on authentic problems or opportunities proposed by industry sponsors. Students manage projects directly with client sponsors, who receive a full presentation of the team’s proposed solution
    • Data Science & AI Industry Affiliates — Affiliate enterprises work with faculty to develop hands-on student practicum projects on topics touching on data science and artificial intelligence
    • Consulting Practicums — A practicum offers an organization the opportunity to partner with and mentor future industry leaders who are studying engineering management

    Engage with our Students

    Interested in participating? Contact us.

  • Our team includes dedicated staff members who assist employers in meeting Duke Engineering students and understanding their exceptional work and qualifications.

    We help facilitate employee and intern recruiting through:

    • TechConnect Career Networking Events — Meet the best and brightest, ready to help you build your organization
    • Facilitating informal “coffee chats” with students
    • Making connections to schedule class lectures and tech talks
    • Introduction to relevant student organizations

    Recruit at Duke Engineering

    Register to recruit at Duke

  • Our industry advisory boards bring together leaders from a wide range of industry sectors, many of them Duke Engineering alumni.

    Board members offer expertise and critical insights that aid in curriculum review, recruiting and internships. They get an inside view of what a partnership with Duke Engineering can offer and a role in helping shape engineering education aligned with the needs of students and industry.

    Join Us

    Request a meeting with our Industry Relations team to discuss joining an industry advisory board.