Alumni Spotlight: Edouard Martin-Bourhis ’20
Class of 2020, Edouard Martin-Bourhis is a Product Management Intern at CNPA. He hold a BEng in Materials Science & Engineering and are originally from Paris, France.

Before coming to Duke
I studied Materials Science and Engineering at Imperial College London.
Why I chose Duke’s MEM program
I was looking to transition to a more managerial and business role, hence I wanted to build a strong business acumen that I could combine with my problem-solving skills. The program was perfect in that regard and I got to learn about a lot of different topics of business.
My favorite courses
Competitive Strategies, because it makes you think in depth about what companies do and why. Also Negotiations and Consultative Sales, because negotitation is a skill that I will use in every area of my life.
Top places to visit in Durham
Heavenly Buffaloes, Boxcar, and Ponysaurus.
My favorite Duke MEMory
Watching the Duke-UNC games with classmates and celebrating both wins on campus with the whole university.
My advice to new students
Go explore and get involved! Duke has so many clubs and societies and the program will go by faster than you think. Get involved in the MEM clubs but also try to connect with the broader univerisity: go watch football and basketball games, try club sports, Intramurals, Bass Connections, Duke Motorsports, Wellness Center programs, etc.