Lingchong You
Biomedical Engineering
James L. Meriam Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Research Interests
Quantitative biology, synthetic biology, machine learning, antibiotic resistance, microbiome
The You lab uses a combination of mathematical modeling, machine learning, and quantitative experiments to elucidate principles underlying the dynamics of microbial communities in time and space and to control these dynamics for applications in computation, engineering, and medicine.
- B.S.E. Chengdu University of Science and Technology (China), 1994
- M.S. University of Science and Technology of China (China), 1997
- Ph.D. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2002
- James L. Meriam Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Professor of Biomedical Engineering
- Director of the Center for Quantitative Biology and Machine Learning
- Professor in Molecular Genetics and Microbiology
Awards, Honors, and Distinctions
- Fellow. American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering. 2019
- Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program. National Science Foundation. 2010
- Young Professor Award. DuPont. 2008
- Fellowships for Science and Engineering. David and Lucile Packard Foundation. 2006
Courses Taught
- PHARM 394: Research Independent Study
- MGM 593: Research Independent Study
- EGR 393: Research Projects in Engineering
- CBB 574: Modeling and Engineering Gene Circuits (GE, MC)
- BME 792: Continuation of Graduate Independent Study
- BME 791: Graduate Independent Study
- BME 713S: QBio Seminar Series
- BME 590: Special Topics in Biomedical Engineering
- BME 574: Modeling and Engineering Gene Circuits (GE, MC)
- BME 494: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 493: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BME 394: Projects in Biomedical Engineering (GE)
- BIOLOGY 293-1: Research Independent Study