Duke FinTech Trading Competition’s Top 10


The Duke Intercollegiate Trading Competition has entered its fifth week. Learn who are the front runners.

Duke FinTech Trading Competition’s Top 10
1Wenzhuo FeiBoston University
2Peyton PetersonVanderbilt University
3Benjamin MeyersUniversity of South California
4Channing SpencerGeorge Washington University
5Monishwar SampathRutgers University
6Ralph StoutSouth Texas College
7Shunxin ZhangDuke University
8Timothy NguyenBoston University
9Kevin TrujilloUniversity of Texas at Austin
10Zhigao XiongNew York University

The Duke Intercollegiate Trading Competition has entered its fifth week. Hundreds of students from around the world who are competing in this event can visit the competition’s Scoreboard page to see updated student rankings. Wenzhou Fei, an Economics student from Boston University operating under trader name YouShouldKnowMe ranks first. In second place is Peyton Peterson, an Economics student from Vanderbilt University going by trader name ppeterson1. Ben Meyers—a Finance student from the University of Southern California—takes the third place ranking this week.

The Trading Competition team reached out to frontrunners and asked them about the strategies that they are using, why they entered the competition and what their goals for the future are. Ben Meyers, currently ranking 3rd place, told us that his trading strategy consists of a “mix of short earnings option trades, approximately 20% experimental 0-5 days to expiration options strategies, and maintaining a diverse and uncorrelated portfolio of out-of-the-money short options.” Meyers added that he entered the competition “to become more comfortable with trading, and to build new muscle memory and intuition about how derivatives and their many inputs relate and react to each other.”

“I mainly trade Oil futures,” said Shunxin Zhang, a Duke FinTech graduate student who ranks seventh. “I used straightforward indicators and tools, and I paid attention to import and export data, as well as recent oil news; Saudi’s oil cut, inflation, and interest rates really could shake things up,” Zhang added.  

Those interested in learning more about this event can view the Comp & Coin podcast – which provides weekly updates on competition standings and sharing insights into trading strategies – and check competition’s website.